Page 2 - Kipaji Newsletter - Edition 1
P. 2

A BRILLIANT FIRST MEETING!                                                     THE

    The  first  in-person  meeting  of  the   2.  To identify/select existing immunogens   BRILLIANT
    Consortium  was held  on the 22  & 23      and adjuvants available for evaluation
    January 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa.   in BRILLIANT.
    The meeting brought together the partners                                      WAY…
    of the Consortium  to strategize and plan   3.  To map existing lab  capabilities  and
    their  Year  1  activities. Each  workstream   resources at  BRILLIANT  consortium
    in  the  Consortium  focuses  on  specific   and partner  sites  (incl. ADVANCE   A NEW APPROACH TO
    objectives and some of the activities  for   sites) in Africa  and prepare selected   COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN
    Year 1 included;                           laboratories to participate in BRILLIANT   VACCINE TRIALS
                                               clinical trials.
    1.   To  carry out an evaluation  of  skills                                   UNAIDS estimates that 70% of the world’s
       amongst advocates  and community                                            38 million people living with HIV, live in Africa.
       stakeholders  for the purpose of                                            Even with  highly effective interventions,
       developing   an advocacy  agenda for   BRILLIANT  Consortium Partners at the in person   such as pre-exposure prophylaxis  (PrEP),
       BRILLIANT.                           meeting in Cape Town, South Africa     HIV persists. HIV disproportionately affects
                                                                                   people  who  have  constrained  power  in
                                                                                   society, such as young women, transgender
                                                                                   people and people who use drugs. An HIV
                                                                                   vaccine  offers  significant  hope:  there  can
                                                                                   be  durable  immunity and an end  to  the
                                                                                   intractable  epidemic.  The discovery  of a
                                                                                   sufficiently  effective  HIV  vaccine  remains
                                                                                   elusive and requires a multi-disciplinary
                                                                                   effort, and - due to the asymmetrical  HIV
                                                                                   burden on women  in Sub-Saharan Africa
                                                                                   - a women-led, African-led approach. And
                                                                                   even  that approach  will  not work  without
                                                                                   the communities, which  make  research
                                                                                   Scientific   breakthroughs   depend   on
                                                                                   meaningful  community  engagement  and
                                                                                   this is at the centre of the BRILLIANT
                                                                                   Consortium’s work.


    WITH ME…

    As you will find out in the coming weeks, the
    BRILLIANT  Consortium works alongside
    some really cool clinical research sites. To
    ensure  that sites  are  aware  of  (and ready
    for!) all of the BRILLIANT research coming
    their way the Consortium visits the sites.
    You can see a map with all of our BRILLIANT
    sites here.
    As part of  the groundwork  for  BRILLIANT
    001, Community Activists  participated
    in site  visits to evaluate  community
    engagement   practices,  recruitment
    strategies, and the consent process in the
    context of Phase 1 HIV vaccine trials. The
    Community Engagement Workstream team
    interacted extensively  with the different
    sites staff and community representatives
    to  gather  insights  into  operational
    effectiveness and community integration.
    Barrack  Owino, our  Partnerships  and
    Advocacy Lead, joined the site assessment
    team at  the Kenya Medical  Research
    Institute-Walter Reed Project  CRS in
    Kericho, Kenya. Here, he revisits his time at
    the site.

                                                                                            Site Assessment  Visit Team at  Kenya
                                                                                            Medical Research Institute-Walter Reed
                                                                                            Project CRS
              The KEMRI-WRP Community
              Engagement Site  Assessment
              Visit in a nutshell
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