Page 4 - Kipaji Newsletter - Edition 1
P. 4



                                                                                  IF YOU  READ  ONE  THING THIS
                                                                                  MONTH LET IT BE THIS!
    THE PROTOCOL                                                                  A key part of  our work  in  BRILLIANT  is

                                                                                  the support we offer to young scientists.
                                                                                  Two of the young scientists from the Joint
                                                                                  Clinical  Research Centre (JCRC) Clinical
    All clinical  trials are guided by a master   To keep activists,  researchers and other   Research Site in  Uganda,  Andrew Ekiee
    plan, which consists  of rules, guidelines,   stakeholders  accountable,  everyone  Obuku  and Annritah Namuganga, were
    and a statement of intent. This document   must  be  able  to  understand the protocol   sent on a tech  transfer  program to the
    serves as a crucial  source of information   of  a  trial. Ideally, as many stakeholders   Amsterdam University Medical Center. The
    about  the  key  questions  of  the  trials:   as possible  should  be  involved  from the   purpose  of  the 3-month program was to
    What? Who? Why? Where? and How?      protocol  design stage. This ensures that   learn how to develop immunogens. As we
                                                                                  do this critical work to build the field we will
    We  have  called  our  first  trial  under   communities  not only  have  a  seat  at the   continue amplifying  the amazing groups,
                                         table, but are  able  to  see  their  voices,
    the BRILLIANT  Consortium, 001. This   concerns and questions addressed in the   who  like BRILLIANT, know that  our future
    means that  the  trial will  be now known   final protocol. A transparent protocol =   is  dependent on making  sure  everyone,
    as BRILLIANT-001 which  shows you  the   A transparent trial!                 especially  Black African  women, have  the
    name of the trial and its number.                                             space, support, resources  and solidarity
                                                                                  they  need  to make our future BRILLIANT.
     So this is what we are doing -  A Community Guide to the BRILLIANT 001 Protocol is being   Stay tuned for more  in the upcoming
     developed by the Community Engagement Workstream. This resource is designed to   Editions of Kipaji!
     assist groups or  individuals  to understand a science  heavy protocol. This guide  will
     break down what the Protocol is all about and is targeted at Community Activists. It will   We also celebrate others who are doing
     include a clear explanation of the protocol’s purpose.                       the same!
                                                                                  Check  out  Francine’s  story  below  in  this
                                                                                  edition’s BRILLIANT READ!!

                                                                                  FRANCINE NTOUMI

                                                                                  IMPROVING OPPORTUNITIES FOR
                                                                                  FEMALE SCIENTISTS IN  CENTRAL
                                                                                  In  the  heart  of  the  Republic  of  Congo’s
                                                                                  capital Brazzaville,  lies  the Congolese
                                                                                  Foundation for Medical  Research.This
                                                                                  laboratory  was founded  by Professor
                                                                                  Francine  Ntoumi, a woman who  has
                                                                                  dedicated  her  life  to  strengthening health
                                                                                  research capacities in Africa.
                                                                                  Born in Brazzaville, she studied and worked
                                                                                  in  France  and has  conducted research
                                                                                  in Gabon, the Netherlands, Germany,
                                                                                  Tanzania  and her  home country, Congo.
                                                                                  She  has served a range of institutions  as
                                                                                  Coordinator of the Multilateral Initiative on
                                                                                  Malaria, the first African leader and in other
                                                                                  various capacities.
                                                                                  Francine  Ntoumi (second from left) in her  lab  with a
                                                                                  group of her students. Credit: Francine Ntoumi

                           •   Meet  Jothie: the BRILLIANT Community Engagement and Advocacy
                               Coordinator - a reflection by Anna Matendawafa
                           •   Spend a day with me, Perrykent Nkole at a clinical trial site - Focus on
                               CIRDZ Lusaka Matero Site in Zambia
                           •   We profile our first BRILLIANT Site - meet the Community Activist &
                               Scientist of J52 DTHF Groote Schuur Site!
                           •   Check out our Protocol Explainer: Welcome to BRILLIANT 001
                           •   Meet our newest implementing partner!
                           •   The People of BRILLIANT - The Podcast series

    This newsletter is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility
    of the BRILLIANT Consortium and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

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