Page 3 - Kipaji Newsletter - Edition 1
P. 3


                                        World-renowned researchers and Directors of   Quarraisha, an accomplished  biostatistician
                                        the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research   and researcher, has been  instrumental
                                        in  South  Africa  (CAPRISA), Professors   in advancing  the understanding of  HIV
                                        Quarrisha  Abdool  Karim and Salim  Abdool   prevention methods, particularly through
                                        Karim received the prestigious Lasker Award   microbicides. Together, they have made
                                        for public service, a top recognition for medical   significant  contributions  to  the  fight  against
                                        research described as the US equivalent of a   HIV, and during the COVID-19 pandemic, they
                                        Nobel prize for science. CAPRISA is a leading   provided  crucial  insights into  public  health
                                        member  of the BRILLIANT  Consortium, with   responses and vaccine development, and were
                                        the eThekwini CAPRISA Clinical Research Site   instrumental in how we collectively responded
                                        designated as a site for BRILLIANT 001.  to the pandemic. Their  tireless efforts have
                                        This  scientific  power  couple  are  prominent   garnered international recognition, culminating
                                                                               in this prestigious  award to celebrate their
                                        South African  scientists renowned for their   dedication  to improving  global  health.  Stay
                                        groundbreaking  research in HIV/AIDS and   tuned  for  our  third  edition  were  we  profile
                                        microbicides.  Salim,  an epidemiologist  and   Professor Nigel Garrett, Head of the CAPRISA
                                        infectious diseases  specialist,  has played a
     Professors  Quarraisha  and Salim  Abdool  Karim  at   pivotal role in shaping public health policies in   HIV  Pathogenesis  and  Vaccine  Research
     the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in                          Programme has been appointed Leader of the
     South Africa (CAPRISA) in Durban. (Photo by Phill   South Africa and globally.  CAPRISA eThekwini Research Site (ECRS).
     Magakoe / AFP)



    The Community Engagement & Advocacy Workstream of the Consortium is led by
    Martha Tholanah, Stephen Mugamba and Tian Johnson.

     The BRILLIANT  Consortium  consists  of three  workstreams   MEL (Monitoring & Evaluation)
     that report to an Executive Committee, which in turn reports
     to the highest decision-making body, the Scientific Advisory   The MEL  system is designed to support  transparency and
     Group (SAG).                                             accountability across the Consortium. It guides how all consortium
                                                              members  will  support regular  progress reporting  and ensures
                                                              compliance  with  USAID’s  policies  and  federal  regulations.  A  key
     Community Engagement & Advocacy (CEA)                    differentiator  of  BRILLIANT’s  MEL  work  was  the  hosting  of  the
     The  Consortium’s  efforts  begin  with  Community  Engagement  &   Consortium’s  MEL  Lead  within  the  Community  Workstream.
                                                              Acknowledgement  goes to Elizabeth  Chigwidi, who oversaw the
     Advocacy. The objective of the workstream is to partner with civil   inception and year one MEL activities. This role provided high level
     society  advocates, HIV-affected communities including  those   monitoring, evaluation and learning support  for the BRILLIANT
     at-risk  and PLWH, policymakers, and communicators  to  advance   Consortium, which included managing the MEL Plan and Indicator
     African-led HIV vaccine science.                         table for the project as well as supporting all reporting activities for
     Clinical                                                 the Consortium.
     The objective of this workstream is to design and implement
     innovative, early-stage clinical trials using an HIV vaccine discovery
     approach to assess safety & immunogenicity while accelerating the
     development of an effective broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb)
     inducing HIV vaccine regimen.
     Lab & Vaccine Design

     The objective of this workstream is to assess immune responses to
     HIV immunogens in clinical trials and develop novel immunogens for
     preclinical testing.
     There are two  cross-cutting  components,  Capacity
     Augmentation and MEL (Monitoring & Evaluation).
     Capacity Augmentation
     This  cross-cutting component  utilizes  and strengthens the
     capabilities and resources of BRILLIANT collaborating institutions to
     successfully conduct project activities as outlined in the BRILLIANT
     HIV vaccine  proposal  to address BRILLIANT  goals. Capacity
     Augmentation  is embedded  in each  of  the other  3 workstreams
     ensuring that each program fully utilizes and strengthens systems
     of collaborations for HIV vaccine research in Sub-Saharan Africa.
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